Winsor and Newton Professional Watercolours are chosen according to mass tone (colour from tube), undertone (bias of colour when in a thin film), colour strength, relative opacity and the character of the pigment in water colour, ie. granulating, staining or even wash. The resultant colour spectrum ensures the largest number of colours can be mixed from the range.
The optimum brilliance of every colour in the Professional Watercolour range is unparalleled by any other water colour. Remarkably, this brilliance is combined with high permanence.
12 x 5ml W&N Professional Watercolour Tubes
1 x Lamp Black 337
1 x Winsor Yellow 730
1 x Raw Umber 554
1 x Burnt Umber 076
1 x Burnt Sienna 074
1 x Winsor Blue (Green Shade) 707
1 x Cobalt Blue 178
1 x Viridian 692
1 x Yellow Ochre 744
1 x Permanent Alizarin Crimson 466
1 x Scarlet Lake 603
1 x Winsor Lemon 722